More than one pregnant person has had a panicked moment looking in the mirror and thinking “I don’t feel pregnant anymore.” Pregnancy symptoms, as aggravating as they may be, can give us peace of mind that all is progressing normally with our baby. But what does it mean when those symptoms suddenly stop?
While many expectant mothers experience symptoms like moodiness, exhaustion, and morning sickness, there will be days when everything feels completely “normal.” This is typical and a welcome relief, but an abrupt stop to all signs and feelings of pregnancy – especially when coupled with bleeding and cramping – can be a sign of a miscarriage.
Read on to find out what to expect week by week of your first trimester as well as some symptoms and statistics of miscarriage.
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Is it normal to suddenly not feel pregnant?
Pregnancy can be a beautiful but nerve-wracking time as every little twinge we feel, or lack thereof, can have us questioning whether it’s normal or not. Not to mention that no two pregnancies are the same so what’s normal for you for your first pregnancy won’t necessarily be the case for your next one. Your symptoms can fluctuate from day to day as well and it’s easy to worry that the sudden disappearance of symptoms could mean something is wrong.
Rest assured that most women experience an ebbing and flowing in their pregnancy symptoms meaning that one day your breasts may be extremely tender and the next day feel completely normal. Chances are when one symptom eases up there will be a new one waiting to take its place.
However, if all your pregnancy symptoms suddenly stop all at once that can be an early indicator of a miscarriage so it’s important to be aware of the symptoms of a miscarriage.
Early pregnancy symptoms
Symptoms of pregnancy vary from person to person and even from pregnancy to pregnancy. Here are some common side effects you might feel:
- Increased urination
- Sinus changes
- Mood swings
- Fatigue
- Food cravings or aversions
- Nausea
- Cramping
- Breast tenderness
- Dark areolas
Miscarriage symptoms
An unfortunate reality is that some pregnancies end in miscarriage. A miscarriage most commonly results from a chromosomal abnormality, meaning it would have happened regardless and the mother is not to blame. According to the March of Dimes, 10-15% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage with the vast majority occurring before week 12 of pregnancy.
Symptoms of miscarriage:
- Bleeding that starts as light spotting and progresses to heavier bleeding. The heavier bleeding is usually over within 3-5 hours but light bleeding/spotting can last up to 1-2 weeks.
- Back pain that is worse than normal menstrual cramps
- White-pink mucus from the vagina
- Painful contractions
- Tissue with clots passing from the vagina
- Sudden decrease in pregnancy symptoms
When to call the doctor
First, anytime you’re really concerned during your pregnancy, your obstetrician or midwife is your first point of contact. They can conduct an ultrasound to check on your fetus and find out if something is happening.
If a miscarriage has already been confirmed, you can often manage it at home. However, you should go to the nearest emergency department if the bleeding is severe.
Severe bleeding is when you soak more than 1 pad per hour, it lasts longer than 2 weeks or includes large clots. You should also seek medical attention if the pain is severe or you lose consciousness.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore after bleeding
Spotting or light bleeding doesn’t mean that you are miscarrying.
There are other reasons why you could be bleeding during pregnancy including uterine fibroids or uterine abnormalities. Even something as benign as a yeast infection could cause some bleeding.
However, light bleeding that develops into heavier bleeding especially if associated with cramping and loss of pregnancy symptoms could be an indicator of miscarriage. Contact your doctor so they can determine the cause of your bleeding and check the status of your pregnancy.
How do I know if I am still pregnant
Anxiety can be high during those early stages of pregnancy before you can feel your baby move and be assured everything is fine.
The only way to know for certain of your pregnancy status, especially if you have experienced some symptoms of miscarriage, is to visit your doctor for a blood pregnancy test and ultrasound (for those past the 6- week mark) to check for a heartbeat.
How soon after miscarriage do pregnancy symptoms disappear?
A miscarriage usually takes around 7-14 days to complete.
A pregnancy test taken 3 weeks after a miscarriage should show negative, meaning your HcG levels should be back to normal, and likely all pregnancy symptoms gone. Unfortunately, until your HcG levels have returned to their baseline, you may still feel pregnant.
If your test is still showing positive, contact your doctor as you will likely need further testing.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore during the first trimester
It’s totally normal for moms to get anxious during the early days and weeks of their pregnancy. This is especially true for first-time moms, women who have previously experienced the loss of a pregnancy, and those who struggled to conceive.
For many, this anxiety will abate once they are able to feel their baby move and see the developing bump because the physical manifestation of the pregnancy means you’re always aware of the changes in your baby and “feel” pregnant.
Most of the time, not feeling pregnant during the first trimester, in particular, is simply because the tiny fetus is not yet having a large and noticeable effect on your body. If, however, the feeling is accompanied by significant pain or bleeding, you should contact your doctor.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 4 weeks
At 4 weeks pregnant, your baby (embryo) can still be implanting into the lining of your uterus.
It’s not until your baby is implanted that your body begins to produce the HCG hormone that is responsible for giving you your positive pregnancy test and for causing early pregnancy symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, and breast tenderness. Although, sometimes the only symptom at this time may likely be a missed period.
Chemical pregnancies (where the embryo is miscarried shortly after implantation) account for 50-75% of all miscarriages. It’s likely that many women won’t even know they’ve been pregnant or miscarried as this type of miscarriage causes bleeding around the time your period was due.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 5 weeks
At 5 weeks, you may not yet be experiencing any symptoms other than a missed period – in fact, only about half of women have any symptoms at this point.
If you are experiencing symptoms at this stage, they can include fatigue, an increase in urination, nausea or vomiting, and breast tenderness. However, every pregnancy is different. It’s not unusual to feel one symptom one day and have it completely gone the next.
The risk of miscarriage after week 5 is 21.3%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 6 weeks
During week 6 of your pregnancy, your baby now has a heartbeat which may be picked up on an ultrasound.
It’s likely you may be feeling fatigued, noticing some breast changes and/or tenderness, nausea, vomiting, bloating, or gas.
A study conducted on women with a history of recurrent miscarriages found that the risk of miscarriage at 6 weeks was 22%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 7 weeks
By week 7, many women will be feeling the typical symptoms of first-trimester pregnancy.
The symptoms include frequent urination, breast changes and tenderness, fatigue, food cravings and aversions, heartburn, indigestion, and increased saliva.
The risk of miscarriage at week 7 drops to 4.2%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 8 weeks
At week 8 of your pregnancy, you will likely be experiencing an increase in urination and some emotional mood swings.
Nausea usually peaks around week 8 so you may notice an increase in morning sickness.
The good news is your risk of miscarriage for week 8 is now down to 1.5%. That means 98.5% of pregnancies at this stage will be successful.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 9 weeks
Pregnancy symptoms at week 9 will be similar to other weeks during the first trimester.
These symptoms include fatigue, breast tenderness, and changes, frequent urination, indigestion, heartburn, bloating, gas, and constipation.
The risk of miscarriage at week 9 is only 0.5%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 10 weeks
The most common pregnancy symptoms of week 10 include frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, food cravings and aversions, heartburn, indigestion, bloating, gas, increased vaginal discharge, headaches, faintness, dizziness, visible veins, and round ligament pains.
You may experience just a few symptoms or any combination of these.
The risk of miscarriage at week 10 is 0.7%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 11 weeks
Symptoms at this point in your pregnancy can include nausea, mood swings, metallic taste in the mouth, sore breasts, indigestion, heartburn, headaches, dizziness, food aversions or cravings, heightened sense of smell, increase in white, milky discharge, light spotting, light cramping, darkening of the skin on the face called chloasma, and bloating.
This week some of these symptoms such as spotting and light cramping could give you a scare. Just remember, this is normal and as long as your spotting doesn’t turn into heavy bleeding and your cramps remain light there is no cause for concern.
The rate of miscarriage between 6 and 11 weeks is less than 1.6%.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore at 12 weeks
At 12 weeks pregnant you may feel a little more energized than you have for the past few weeks.
This burst of energy may be a welcome change from the exhaustion of the previous months, but it can also be bothersome as you’ve come to associate the rundown feeling with your pregnancy. Unless you’re also experiencing pain and bleeding, enjoy it!
You also may notice chloasma (darkening of patches of skin) on your face and neck or the brown line called linea nigra that runs from your belly button to the pubis.
I don’t feel pregnant anymore during the second trimester
Also, since the chance of miscarriage has majorly dropped by this point (2-3% chance in the second trimester and 0.5% chance after week 20) you can relax that you aren’t feeling pregnant anymore due to a miscarriage.
The second trimester is referred to as the “honeymoon phase” of pregnancy because it’s extremely common for the unpleasant hormonal symptoms to subside and you’re not yet as physically uncomfortable as you will likely become in the third trimester.
Try to relax and enjoy this point in your pregnancy as it’s likely that this is the best you will feel for your entire pregnancy. Use this time to prepare for your little one’s arrival so that during your third trimester when the fatigue returns you can rest up and relax!