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Preparing for Baby

From putting together the nursery to babyproofing the house, there is a LOT to to before baby gets here!

I’ve put together an awesome guide that covers pretty much everything you should be thinking about when preparing for your new baby that you can check out right here!

Otherwise, check out all of these essential categories below!


Everyone thinks decorating the baby’s room sounds fun until they start – let’s talk about what you need and what you don’t need to have a safe and fun nursery!

Car Seats and Travel

Keeping your baby safe while traveling starts with a high-quality car seat but there are lots of other things to consider!


Everyone loves buying baby clothes but what sizes do you really need? How should you care for them? Do you really need baby detergent?


Once baby arrives you’ll find that almost everything inside your house has become a dangerous liability. From cabinet locks to outlet covers, let’s check out the best ways to make your home safer!