Buying diapers for baby showers can be a huge help and a practical gift. But if you’re unfamiliar or rusty with babies, it can be easy to misstep. Which size diaper is the best to buy for a baby shower and which brands are the best quality?
It is best to buy high-quality size 1 or larger diapers for a baby shower because most babies grow quickly out of newborn diapers. Baby weight gain slows after the first four months and babies tend to stay in size 4 or 5 diapers the longest.
You will need to understand that diapers come in many different sizes related to the age and weight of the infant. A baby may be born early and need a smaller diaper due to being undersized, or the baby may skip the Newborn size due to being bigger.
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What to consider when buying diapers for baby showers
Some people will recommend getting the cheapest diapers so that you can qualify for a diaper raffle, but it’s so important to give a gift that’s useful and not a burden to a new parent.
There are many factors to consider when it comes to purchasing diapers as a gift for a baby shower, but the biggest two are size and brand.
I remember back before my twins were born (10 years ago) my wife and I knew nothing about babies, let alone what we needed to ask for at a shower. Luckily, we had great friends and family who were there to help provide MORE than enough baby products to last us a long time.
I remember having a literal mountain of diapers in our closet just before the babies were born and naively thinking “There is no way we’ll run out!”
Well, we ran out.
We ran out of every diaper that we were given for our girls, but we also learned that we needed more of certain sizes and that we liked some brands more than others.
First, respect the parents’ wishes. Check their registry to see if they’ve requested certain brands or sizes. Assume they have a reason for their requests. If they haven’t registered for disposable diapers, ask them whether they’re planning to use disposable diapers.
I have a friend who cloth-diapered and registered for cloth diaper supplies. When people gave her a mound of disposable diapers, it came across as disrespecting her parenting choices and doubting her abilities.
Assuming you’re going with disposables when it comes to diaper size, parents need to have a good mix to use throughout the diapering stage and there shouldn’t be so much of one particular size that they have extra.
If everyone at the shower brings newborn diapers, then there are going to be problems.
With diaper brands, quality is more important than price. Shower gift-givers only have to worry about one box of diapers. Hence, it’s best if you spring for the good stuff and get the new parents a diaper that is soft and durable without including any irritating or allergenic ingredients.
With that being said, there is not going to be a perfect solution to this question unless the parents tell you exactly what brand and what size diaper they want the most. If you don’t have that information, I’ll get you started in the right direction!
Which size diapers should you buy for a baby shower?
Even though purchasing newborn diapers pops into your head when thinking of buying diapers for an infant, it is probably not the best idea. In this situation, size does matter. There are many people who either do not know diaper sizes or do not remember.
Here is a list of weight versus sizes to help:
- Preemie Diapers: Up to 6 pounds.
- Newborn Diapers: Up to 10 pounds.
- Size 1 Diapers: 8 to 14 pounds.
- Size 2 Diapers: 12 to 18 pounds
- Size 3 Diapers: 16 to 28 pounds.
- Size 4 Diapers: 22 to 37 pounds.
If you take a look at the pounds listed you will see that they overlap. This is because babies gain weight decently fast and you may have to purchase diapers as the baby is growing. The overlapping will help to ensure that there are no wasted diapers.
Keeping the overlapping in mind, purchasing a size 1 diaper is probably the best option. The average newborn is typically close to this weight and the diapers will be used.
However, newborn diapers are only up to 10 pounds and the baby will gain weight pretty fast which will render the diapers useless.
Some babies are chunky when they come out and can’t even fit into newborn diapers for more than a day or two.
Another thing to consider when buying diapers for a baby shower is the number of people going to the shower. They may have the same idea as you.
Get together with other guests and try to coordinate, if possible. Although it might be the best option, if everyone purchases size 1 diapers, then the new parents can still end up with a bunch of diapers that they can’t use up.
Here is a list of approximately how many diapers will be needed in each size from Moola Saving Mom:
- Newborn – About 100 diapers (3 jumbo packs)
- Size 1 – About 1,200 diapers (30 jumbo packs)
- Size 2 – About 600 diapers (15 jumbo packs)
- Size 3 – About 1,400 diapers (30 jumbo packs)
- Size 4 – About 1,000 diapers (45 jumbo packs)
- Size 5 – About 900 diapers (45 jumbo packs)
It should be noted that a jumbo pack of diapers is typically anywhere from 20-40 diapers, depending on the size. It is also much cheaper to purchase diapers in bulk.
It keeps the cost per diaper lower. Keeping this list in mind, as you speak with the other guests, you can decide who can buy which sized diapers to ensure they help with the new bouncing baby. Also, since diapers don’t expire, you won’t have to worry much about giving too many diapers!
How long is the average baby in newborn diapers?
It depends on gender and growth. However, here is a guideline to go by. Boys that are in the 50% will be approximately 10 pounds at four weeks old and be able to wear size 1 diaper at that point.
Boys will grow to be about 14 pounds between the months of three and four. They will then be able to wear size 2 diapers.
Girls that are in the same percentile will be approximately 10 pounds up to about six weeks and then will grow out of the newborn-sized diapers. She will then grow to about 14 pounds in the months of four and five. She will then be ready for the size 2 diapers.
Which brand of diapers should I buy for the baby shower?
I could go a bunch of different directions here, but I’m simply going to recommend my absolute favorite brands of diapers because these are the ones I would love to receive at my shower. Both of these options might cost just a bit more than the bargain brands, but they are well worth it!
- Huggies Special Delivery – I’m just in love with these diapers. They are so incredibly soft, and super-absorbent, and they have a nice, subtle styling. While they aren’t cheap, I think they are worth the price and they will be a nice treat for your friend or family member!
- The Honest Company – This is another great brand that emphasizes quality while keeping their diapers stylish at the same time! If you grab a bundle with the link below, you’ll also receive $20 off!
Should you wrap diapers for a baby shower?
This is a personal decision. Since a box of diapers is so big, many people who purchase the big sizes will just bring the box to the shower or maybe put a little bow on top.
Many people will purchase diapers and other items to make up one gift. They typically wrap the other items in a separate bag or box, but still just place a bow or ribbon on the box of diapers.
If you would like, you can also just purchase a cute baby shower gift bag and put the diapers inside with the other items if you purchased more.
Think twice before you make a diaper cake. The host of the shower may already have this under control, so check in to see if it would be a welcome decoration or a good baby shower gift.
Keep in mind that diaper cakes are extra work for the new parents to take a part and put away, and then there’s no box or plastic wrap to keep the diapers in. We received one, and let’s just say it wasn’t my favorite thing.
Can I gift a diaper subscription?
Before you decide if this is the best route, you need to understand how a diaper subscription works. Every month the subscription will ensure that diapers and wipes are sent to you. You just have to pick your size of packages and how often you would like them delivered.
Here are some top places that offer a diaper subscription.
- Amazon Family: There are different options. You will be able to save around 20 percent on a subscription from Amazon Family. This service is free for those who have Prime. It is also available as a 30-day free trial that you can check out here!
- Parasol: These diapers offer cutepatternss and are extremely soft for babies with sensitive skin. You can have diapers delivered every 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks.
- Abby & Finn: This subscription offers disposable diapers that are manufactured without any chemicals. They are completely free of any skin irritants. There are 40 diapers per box.
- Target: Using Target will offer you about a 5 percent savings on the purchase of a diaper subscription. There are even perks like purchasing two boxes of diapers and getting a $15 gift card to use for other items. If you have a Target RED card, the savings are even bigger!
You can purchase a subscription for a new parent by purchasing the length of the subscription and paying for it using a credit card. Ensure that you put in the correct address in which they will be delivered, along with the name of the parent you are gifting it to.
A cute idea is a subscription card placed in a gift card box. You should also include sign-in information to the site on which you purchased the subscription.
This will allow the parent to edit the size of diapers that are being shipped to them, as well as how often they are sent. They are even able to continue the subscription if they need to.
How much should I spend on a baby shower gift?
This is another personal preference as you may have more of a connection with the new parents and baby versus other guests. For example, it may be the baby of your best friend.
The new parent may also just be a coworker. We are going to assume that it is a typical, everyday person and not family that the shower is for before we begin with proper etiquette.
It is said that most of those who attend a baby shower will spend between 30 to 50 dollars on their gift. Those who have a strong friendship or family connection with the new parents will typically spend 75 to 100 dollars on a gift.
It should be kept in mind that you should look at your budget before purchasing any baby shower gift. You will also need to ask if the new parents have a registry if one was not provided in your invitation.
Most parents who are having a baby shower will register with companies like Walmart, Target, or anywhere else where registries are available.
Registries will allow the new parent to make a list of items they will need for their new baby. Items that are typically on a registry are items like bottles, diapers, baby tubs, mobiles, crib sheets, food processors, and more.
More significant items are typically purchased by the parents or close family members. These items include things like the crib, changing table, and high chairs.
If parents register for items like diaper rash ointment, formula, and anything else that parents might want to have more oversight with, they’re fair game. If they didn’t register for them, I’d recommend staying away.
For instance, parents trying to avoid chemicals or certain ingredients in their baby products might not be able to use certain brands that they receive as gifts.
Diapers are a great (and useful!) baby shower gift. You can maximize your gift’s usefulness by sticking to the registry, buying a size 1 or bigger, and buying the highest quality diaper you can.